domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

Lost world of fanged frogs and giant rats discovered in Papua New Guinea

Robert Booth
The Guardian, Monday 7 September 2009
Article history

In a remote volcanic crater on the Pacific island of Papua New Guinea a team of scientists from Britain, the United States and Papua New Guinea found more than 40 previously unidentified species when they climbed into the kilometre-deep crater of Mount Bosavi and explored a pristine jungle habitat teeming with life that has evolved in isolation since the volcano last erupted 200,000 years ago.
The explorers hope their finds will add weight to calls for international action to prevent the demise of similar ecosystems because Papua New Guinea's rainforest is currently being destroyed at the rate of 3.5% a year.
The team of biologists included experts from Oxford University, the London Zoo and the Smithsonian Institution and members of the BBC Natural History Unit found the three-kilometre wide crater populated by spectacular birds of paradise and in the absence of big cats and monkeys which are found in the remote jungles of the Amazon and Sumatra, the main predators are giant monitor lizards while kangaroos have evolved to live in trees.
"These discoveries are really significant," said Steve Backshall, a climber and naturalist
"The world is getting an awful lot smaller and it is getting very hard to find places that are so far off the beaten track."

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

Favourite animal

I stronly believe that i can’t choose an animal in particular, because to my mind each animal is unique and has an special characteristic. Although there are some species that attract my attention, is difficult choose between dogs, cats or some exotic pets because are very different, despite this fact in now I going to select the cat.

The cat is the feline most successful consider its world population. Despite the fact they stay with us since first civilization we don’t understand and can’t domesticate them. Therefore is an animal very interesting to observe and study.
The main characteristic to the cats are catness. The catness consider all the feline characteristic for instance the ability to hunt, nocturne habit, their strong sense of smell, their way for walk on tiptoe, between others. Besides there are a lot of colors and furs, I really like the softness of their fur, their curiosity to new things, their plays and I loved their personalities.

My experience with cat started very young because in my house there are cats, although they aren’t my, they are pets to my uncle therefore I only play with cats and always attract my attention. My first and unique cat was named Shugar, she was a pretty with cat with green eyes and she was daughter of white cat with blue eyes to my next- door. Unfortunately she died young, she suffered skin cancer and finally it attack her respiratory system.

Now I have two dogs and a hedgehog, so I can´t adopt other pet my family don’t allow me, but I really want have a cat in this moment.

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

Death penalty

Really this topic for me is very controversial, because I haven´t clarity in a strong opinion. By this I mean that my opinion can change depending on the way to think. I am agree with the religion point of view wich are based on a supreme being who has a destiny for each one and too I am agree with the people that support this punishment, because in general this people have been affected for criminals in different forms.
To be honest something that be me doubt about the death penalty is the mistakes in accuses to innocent people. Therefore in this case a lot of people maybe die without be guilty. Other thing that be me doubt is that exist different cultures and there are cultures very strict and use the punishment for control the people actions, thus the persons live with fear and under pressure. But too in this places there are less criminals and the families can live more safety.
In conclusion I think that this severe punishment should be criticize depending on the country and their culture, but considering the seriousness of the crime and value of live.

Visitng Santigo

If i welcame a foreing tourist i would recomend several places to visit.
We should go to places in a orden based on my preferences.
First we should visit national reserve Yerba Loca it has an big area, present long ways, beatiful landscapes several ecosystems and a lot of flora and fauna, too we can camping in it and ride a horses.

Other interesting place San Cristobal mountain that is a hill most tall in Santiago, in the weekends go people that like doing exercises but too there is a culture house that present concerts the sunday and some craftworks.

If i want show him some of history, first we should go to Casa de la Moneda that is the most old institution of Chile. It is important because represent the beggining of economic movements. Then we can go to Lo Matta house it is a 2 independient floors building with typical architecture to segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. 
At the last i like show to the foreing turist a national monument Mapocho Ex-station created by Emilio Jecquier an architec in1912 as train station to Valparaiso and Mendoza city in Argentina.

Well in my point of view in Santigo there are several places to visit depending on the preferences that has the foreing turist.

domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Beautiful landscapes

qinghai lake

If I had the opportunity to travel I would visit china, but specially places near mountains or lakes. For example Tai scrubland in Shandogg or Emei scrubland in Sjchuan and lakes like Quinjai lake in Quinjai and Kanesi lake in Xinjiang. Principally because are places with beautiful landscape. It has a lot of contrast colors, mountains intensely green with lakes intensely blue. Therefore I would to visit touristic places and I would like take several pictures, sometimes I think that I could study a career related with photography.
But if I went I wouldn’t stay there to live, the reason is that I will miss my family and I don’t know the Chinese language. I would took me a lot of time adapt to weather and Chinese culture (food, transport, connect with society in general, between others)
Really I don’t know very well this country, however the last year my father went to pick up a oil ship during six months with work partners and he showed me pictures and I listened my father experiences with the Chinese culture.

scrubland Tai

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

Second term 2009

The second term of 2009 was a big change for me, for 2 reasons principally. First reason all in the university became very different, in the first term my classmate and me had a lot of free time and it was more relaxed. The second reason is that in the relationships had an important event I brokeup with my first boyfriend, I shared with him three years and a little more, it took me a lot of time recover and star again without him and I knew an special boy that help me to get over it.
If I talk about I learnt in the second term of 2009, I can say that subjects didn´t attract my attention, maybe Ecology but the lessons were boring. Anatomy was difficult very specific and a lot technical term, I hated anatomy practices although I knew it were important for me profession like veterinarian.
I did activities for distract me and with this I enjoyed the free time. Tuesdays and Saturdays I went to salsa lessons with Paula ex classmate of school, in the week I attended lessons to horse riding in the university too.
In conclusion in the second term of 2009 I lived varied things but all experiences (goods and bads)help me to be a best person with different points of view and others challenges.

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

Other cute picture, I really love it and i wanted share with you.
Coming soon the session 3.

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010

The controversial issue of Transantiago transport system

Personally I have not many negative experiences with this system, because I avoid it, for example in the morning I should go to subway in E07 transantiago, but at the bus stop is impossible to climb it, because this is crowded and do not open their doors, so, my solution for me is that my mom let me go to the subway and then I use the subway system, which is straightforward in that place. The reason that I like this system is because is safety because people must not take their wallet to pay, they only use their BIP card and they can give their Bip card in their hands. And you should not worry of having coins but just having charged your BIP.
Another important point is that you should not pay if you use transantiago and subway within a period of 2 hours about, helping you to save and spend less.
It is also well established the bus stop because there are fewer traffic accidents and that the old system the buses could stop at any side without regard to the cars behind him.

The ancient system did not have much to transantiago variety of tours and information on these, whereas now there are several routes which available to the user with just getting into a website.

The new buses are much larger than the ancient system, having sectors and access for disable.
With regard to noise pollution that I can say is that most transantiago buses are less noisy than the previous ones which had loose windows and doors even in some cases had her flat broken.

Now I will focus on the positives of the system but referring to the subway.

What I can underline now is to improved security on platforms, since before there were so many guards, edge taking care to observe the yellow line to prevent accidents.

It is also good that the platforms and some subway wagons are a tv .and entertainment, news services (Specifically music videos) because in this way make your trip more enjoyable.
What is new in subway on the terraces of the bus stations there are fans that cool the environment with water-wind breeze.
Entering the debate, what I do not like the current transport? Mostly what I find most terrible is the long waiting between transantiago bus and other, which makes stops bus fill with people and at the end noone cannot climb when the bus arrives, there are two possible solutions:

Increase the number of buses or increase output frequency thereof. The other downside of the buses is that they do not have curtains, so that at certain times of day there is always one side of the bus where comes the sun, making the trip more uncomfortable, if it is summer.

The question of cost is also very controversial because it increasingly the price rises again, but this is due to irresponsibility of the people not paying and there is no way to recover the costs of implementing this transport. Therefore it would be best to "Inspectors" in ALL paths of travel, and collect fines on those who do not pay.

As the subway problem is that there are few cars in proportion to the number of people traveling, so that even in the busiest times are the platforms filled and there is no other user to be tightened that the more people in the cars. And the ventilation is bad, if there is air that is hot, personally I would implement air-conditioning system to give solution to this.
Finally, I believe that eventually everything regularized and we describe more pro than cons. But it is only possible if there is more support from the people.
My little Eloy
Crea tu propio Blingee

domingo, 18 de abril de 2010

A little presentation

Hi!!! My name is Evelyn I am twenty years old I am in third semester of veterinarian medicine.. and this is my new blog inspirated on my hedgehog Eloy,you can see all the pictures, he is ten months old and he hasn't been dad yet =( So I am looking for a girlfriend for him. (if you know someone that can help me.. i'll be grateful). forgive my delay in publish, but I had problems with the webside.
see you in the next class (karaoke jejeje )

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

Crea comentarios estupendos sobre perfiles

miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

Upss Me encontraronn
Crea tus propios gráficos con escarcha

Rica comida
Gráficos con escarcha de Myspace