domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

Favourite animal

I stronly believe that i can’t choose an animal in particular, because to my mind each animal is unique and has an special characteristic. Although there are some species that attract my attention, is difficult choose between dogs, cats or some exotic pets because are very different, despite this fact in now I going to select the cat.

The cat is the feline most successful consider its world population. Despite the fact they stay with us since first civilization we don’t understand and can’t domesticate them. Therefore is an animal very interesting to observe and study.
The main characteristic to the cats are catness. The catness consider all the feline characteristic for instance the ability to hunt, nocturne habit, their strong sense of smell, their way for walk on tiptoe, between others. Besides there are a lot of colors and furs, I really like the softness of their fur, their curiosity to new things, their plays and I loved their personalities.

My experience with cat started very young because in my house there are cats, although they aren’t my, they are pets to my uncle therefore I only play with cats and always attract my attention. My first and unique cat was named Shugar, she was a pretty with cat with green eyes and she was daughter of white cat with blue eyes to my next- door. Unfortunately she died young, she suffered skin cancer and finally it attack her respiratory system.

Now I have two dogs and a hedgehog, so I can´t adopt other pet my family don’t allow me, but I really want have a cat in this moment.

1 comentarios:

Constanza dijo...

Eve, I love cats as well!!
Beautiful pictures you chose
have fun :)

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