domingo, 16 de mayo de 2010

Death penalty

Really this topic for me is very controversial, because I haven´t clarity in a strong opinion. By this I mean that my opinion can change depending on the way to think. I am agree with the religion point of view wich are based on a supreme being who has a destiny for each one and too I am agree with the people that support this punishment, because in general this people have been affected for criminals in different forms.
To be honest something that be me doubt about the death penalty is the mistakes in accuses to innocent people. Therefore in this case a lot of people maybe die without be guilty. Other thing that be me doubt is that exist different cultures and there are cultures very strict and use the punishment for control the people actions, thus the persons live with fear and under pressure. But too in this places there are less criminals and the families can live more safety.
In conclusion I think that this severe punishment should be criticize depending on the country and their culture, but considering the seriousness of the crime and value of live.

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